
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Seriously. I really am. I mean it. Sorry everyone.

When God invented the Internet I’m fairly certain s/he/it didn’t intend it to be filled up with the ramblings of a billion nobodies speculating bewilderedly on their tiny, tiny lives. I’m sure s/he/it meant it to be filled with Philosophy and Poetry and Wise People communing together to solve the problems of the Universe and move Humanity into its next phase of greatness.

Instead, The Internet has become a vast cyberdepository of humans plaintively wailing, “Hello? Is anybody there? Where am I? What’s happening? Whose idea was this?”

And here I am adding my mousevoice to the squeakings of the lost.

I’m so ashamed.

15 replies to “Sorry

  1. Your brain is no different than Albert Einsteins, except maybe his is a bit more pickled than yours….. (or is it??) Oh and yours isn’t in a jar in some freezer somewhere….. but apart from that yours is absolutely just as capable of coming up with the theory of general relativity as his was!


    1. That is extraordinary flattering. I might put it it on a special self-confidence t-shirt and wear it on misery days.

      Also, it’s a load of old rubbish. I can’t do sums at all. But I am not averse to a bit of lying.

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